Monday, January 6, 2014

Thank you, Ms. Patty!

During our November club meeting, we enjoyed listening to Ms. Patty Laurel's talk. She taught us different things on how to become a better blogger and blogging itself. I have to admit, right from the moment she started the talk, I felt eager and excited. Later on, I learned that she really is a friendly and great blogger. She shared her experiences as a blogger and how she loves to blog about food and traveling. She even had a powerpoint presentation and gave us some key points we have to remember if we really want to be better bloggers in the future.

I learned from Ms. Patty that even a young student like me can be a great blogger right now. She inspired me to write more and more about anything under the sun. Thanks to her, I learned the perks of being a blogger, and all the risks I will have to take as a blogger.

Now, I am better informed with blogging and everything that involves it. I am thankful that I got in Bloggers' Hub and had the chance to meet THE MS. PATTY LAUREL! Most of the time, I really want to blog and write and write and write, (write just needs to be emphasized. haha) but I always lack time in doing so because of all the heavy load the intensive class has brought to me. Anyway, when break arrives, get ready! :D

Lastly, there are three things I would like to share to everyone reading this post. These are the three things Ms. Patty has left us with. :)

1. Write from the HEART.
2. Be a positive voice in the blogosphere.
3. Have FUN! Enjoy blogging. ;)

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