Friday, February 26, 2016

From Facebook to Snapchat

As the saying goes, “change is inevitable.” Change can’t be avoided, evaded, or escaped. “It’ll happen whether you like it or not. We all know it’s going to happen because it just does,” my brother used to say.

As we all know, Facebook used to be one of the top social media avenues that teens use regularly, but as time passed, research showed that teens refrain from using social media for intimate options. As mentioned in the article, “people are actually transitioning from broadcast social media and switching instead to using narrowcast tools like Messenger or Snapchat.” The question is, “Why? Why are teens leaving Facebook?”

If you ask the college students, they won’t deny the fact that most parents monitor their kids’ activities through Facebook. The students, on the other hand, don’t want their parents’ to see their Friday night-outs with friends. Students also think that once photos are posted in Facebook, they will be there forever. By using Snapchat, they know that parents won’t be able to track them as well as the photos they share with their friends. Because of the fact that some employers use social media profiles to form assessments, teenagers have the tendency to create multiple profiles under various names. I have had this friend who made three Facebook accounts – one for personal account, another for fan-girl account, and one more for public profile. They carefully curate the content they post and control which ones they want certain audiences to see. Some opt not to use Facebook as it is also used for advertising platform wherein the company said to have earned almost $18 billion.

When you come to think of it, Facebook users are really decreasing. Teens choose to go for private messaging rather than sharing publicly. In fact, older people are now more into Facebook.

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